Like many others, my winter has not been going as planned because of various illnesses infecting myself and my family.

Right now, I'm supposed to be at a solo cabin retreat to re-center and plan for 2023. Instead I'm playing nurse.
This turn of events is disappointing. But in my heart, I know I made the right decision to change course rather then stick with things unfolding exactly as I laid out in advance.
Adapting to unforeseen circumstances is an important planning skill to develop. Oftentimes, it requires making difficult choices and sacrifices.
What makes it easier is having a higher level of prioritization to take into account. As well as a meter for evaluating the severity of the need that has unexpectedly arisen.
Identifying key priorities for the whole-hearted professional is one of the activities in the Annual Planning Workshop. These are the areas one must focus on to live a whole and complete life. This includes professional and personal needs, after all we are whole humans not just workers.
One of my priorities is family. While that might seem like an obvious priority, it's important to name it. That enables me to reflect on how I'm showing up for my family so I can be sure my intentions match my impact. For family to be a priority in actions, not just words, I need to be engaged and responsive, hence changing the plans for my retreat this week.
At the same time, I have to be boundaried, I can't drop everything else in my life for every little upset a family member experiences. Had there been a mild illness in my family, I would have stayed the course with my solo cabin retreat. But since the illness proved to be more serious in nature, prioritizing being a Mom was an obvious choice.
Making difficult decisions when plans get thwarted is one thing. There's also the importance of naming, and working through the feelings setbacks trigger. For me, this included disappointment, annoyance and overwhelm.
Because I had clarity around my priorities and awareness about my feelings, I was able to renegotiate my higher-level commitments quickly and swiftly. I also have the peace of mind knowing that my existing planning practices will enable me to address the smaller, timely tasks so they don't slip through the cracks.
I can be present for my family and rest assured knowing that important things aren't going to go unaddressed. That's not to say nothing slips through the cracks. I'm not perfect. But more often than not, the things that don't get attention weren't that important in the long run.
If there's one consistent life lesson I've encountered through the pandemic, my cancer journey and recent sicknesses it's how much we glorify busy and fixate on the tyranny of the urgent at the expense of what's truly important. It turns out we often tell ourselves stories of needing to do it all, get it all done and be all things. But when forced to slow down, make conscientious choices, prioritize and focus, we can experience greater satisfaction with a fraction of the effort.
Are you ready to prioritize your health, wellbeing and happiness in 2023? Would you like to experience calm, ease and peace of mind knowing you're getting the most important stuff done? Join me for the Annual Planning Workshop, Signup on line today and save - the Super Early Bird Discount ends Thursday December 22.