This is something I've silently struggled with for years.
Sometimes when things don't go as planned, I push on despite the evidence suggesting otherwise.
This cycle is driven by shame and the fear of not meeting expectations, something I'm actively rewriting.
At the end of last year, I announced my next book, "Keepin' it REAL in the Age of AI."
Despite my efforts to build a community to co-create it, I haven't made the progress I envisioned. Life's demands—work, family—have led me to realize I need to release this project and move on.
Admitting this is hard.
Negative self-talk creeps in.
But I choose to show myself compassion.
I tried, it didn’t work out, and that’s okay.
And it's freeing to let go, even though I also feel grief and loss.
I hope this helps you move on from something you’re struggling to release.
Take Care.
Ariana, you are not alone. I've had to drop so many ideas along the way -- even after investing a great deal of time and money into them. You are right, it is freeing. It is also a mark of emotional maturity and resilience that you have done something that you know is right even though it feels uncomfortable at the time.
You moved on? Well done!