’Tis the season to take pause and give thanks for the bounty we enjoy. Let us give thanks for being able to read this! Seriously, I think most of us take our literacy skills for granted. The link between reading skills and socioeconomic status is undeniable. Individuals with rudimentary reading skills are more likely to live in poverty.

I give thanks to my literacy skills because I know first-hand how hard it can be to cultivate them. I had trouble learning how to read in school. I was in a remedial class for reading and my second grade teacher had the audacity to tell my parents she could not teach me to read! Can you believe that, if it was up to our education system I would have continued to fall behind.
2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of fourth grade end up in jail or on welfare. Source, Begin to Read
Not only does falling behind in reading add extra burden to the student to catchup, there’s also the negative stigma it creates. Even though my parents hired me a private reading tutor so I could catchup to my peers, I continued to believe I was stupid for years and years. As a result I was extra hard on myself, always battling harsh self-doubt and seeking affirmation from others.
It’s a demoralizing rat race to be in when you believe you are never good enough. Learning how to trust yourself is important for the Misfit Entrepreneur. How can you do that when you don’t have faith in your own intelligence? Keep in mind, there’s more to intelligence than a simple IQ test. That’s only one measure, and it analyzes a small slice of your aptitude.
You can’t trust yourself if you don’t believe you’re capable. And if you’ve been defined by struggles early on in your childhood like I was it can be hard to see another possibility. One where you are smart, and capable of learning how to turn your idea into reality. Luckily, you can re-write the pattern! It doesn’t matter your age, these limiting beliefs in yourself do not have to hold you back anymore.

That’s a big part of what we strive to do with A Misfit Entrepreneurs Guide to Building a Business Your Way, and why we are donating 100 copies of the book to libraries in Northern Colorado and beyond. We want to promote entrepreneurship and literacy by inspiring people who are following non-traditional career paths and give them the know-how to blaze their own trail.

We have 57 copies already donated, so we are well on our way towards our goal. The paperback book is priced at $25 and as a token of gratitude, we are offering a 20% discount to anyone that chooses to donate a book over Thanksgiving weekend.
Donate a book on our website here and we’ll take care of distributing to a library on your behalf!
Get the eBook FREE Today!
And as a token of gratitude to your generosity, we are offering a special this weekend. The Kindle version is FREE for you, your friends, your family…
Download the Kindle version of the book for FREE here (available until 11/28/2016)!
And be sure to tell people you know to get the Kindle version while we’re giving it away because after this weekend the price goes back to $9.99 (which admittedly is also a bargain).