Last summer I was scheduled to go on my second writing retreat to finish editing the manuscript of my book when our world turned upside down…instead of escaping to the serenity of a cabin in Peaceful Valley I was sitting in a sterile hospital room fighting back tears while I felt like my heart was breaking. Wondering what was going to happen next and how long we would have together. A cancer diagnosis never gave me hope before, but this time it did. Because this time it meant she had a chance to live!
I don’t know how you react when someone close to you becomes gravely ill like this, but it makes me take stock. That is, once I have a chance to pause and collect my thoughts. At first, I was doing everything I could to help, which included lots of cleaning and being there. As the dust started to settle back down and I began to accept our new reality I had to make a choice.
Was I going to finish writing this book? Or should I focus on more important things?
The question, “How could I possibly go away at a time like this?” kept ringing in my head juxtaposed by conversations about facing your mortality that we had at the dinner table. And that’s when I realized that I just had to answer the single most important question:
What will you regret not doing?
I only had to sit with that question a few minutes when I knew what I had to do. I had to finish writing A Misfit Entrepreneur’s guide, for I would regret it if I did not. Furthermore, finishing the book was not an either or proposition as I initially saw it to be. It was possible that I could finish writing my book and be there for my family.
And so, I worked with my family to make arrangements that would allow me to go on my writing retreat. I shifted the schedule for publishing the book and got back to work, while spending my off time with family. There were late nights and long days, but in the end I did both…published my book and supported my family because those were two things I would regret not doing!
What will you regret not doing? Share your thoughts and commitments in the comments!
What’s Rosabella Consulting Up To?

Ariana Speaking at CCIS , photo by Michelle Venus

A Misfit Book at Summit County South Branch Library in Breckenridge
Last week, Ariana had the privilege of presenting at the Colorado Creative Industries Summit in Breckenridge on Embracing Your Inner Misfit: Become the Master of Your Entrepreneurial Journey. It likely comes as no surprise, that there were many who self-identified as Misfits there. Her presentation was well received, the house was packed and there was standing room only! And of course, while she was there she donated a copy of her book to the Summit County Library.
Bummed you missed Ariana’s talk last week? She’ll be speaking at the Louisville Public Library on May 16th at noon on Leadership, Communication & Employee Buy-In and it’s FREE! Join her there and learn how to successfully navigate change initiatives.