The recipients are listed below, with a brief writeup of what they were selected for. Recipients will be recognized at the Fort Collins High School Spring Assembly, where they will be presented with their awards.
Global Award – Suzanne Miller, Do a Liz Thing
Suzanne Miller suffered an un-imaginable loss when her daughter, Liz, passed away in 2008. She turned her grief into inspiration to honor Liz’s legacy. Liz was a vibrant, beautiful young woman with a big smile, booming laugh and a depth of character that will be remembered always by those who knew her. Suzanne started to Do A Liz Thing as a commemoration at the anniversary of her passing. Over the years, what started as a local effort in Fort Collins, has turned into a worldwide movement.
Inspired by Liz’s, story people have done random acts of kindness for strangers, friends and loved ones alike, all around the world. People have bought the groceries for a family in line with them at the store. Others have donated blood. Strangers have paid for other table’s lunch at restaurants. Neighbors have helped each other with housework. Big and small, these gestures are changing people’s lives, the givers feel better for opening up and contributing and the receivers feel supported and cared for. All because of #DoALizThing
Regional Award – Tracey Winey, Preston Middle School
Mrs. Winey is a very deserving person for the E+ award because of her dedication to help others beyond the immediate community. She continues to show risks by implementing new technology in Preston Middle School’s media center. This is a risk because much of the technology has yet to be exposed to learning institutions, yet she continues to challenge the status quo that learning is NOT enjoyable.
Mrs. Winey’s impact has reached within and outside of the community of Fort Collins reaching as far as Uganda. She has implemented clubs at Preston Middle School that focus on programming LED lanterns for children in an orphanage. In addition she played a significant role in organizing a book drive for these children. From providing educational tools to encouraging learning in all environments, Mrs.Winey has continued to positively impact the community and is deserving of an E+ award because of her efforts.
Youth Award – Sherri Adolf AKA Coffee Girl
Sherri brings the FCHS Klydaccino’s coffee cart and beverages to the entire school on a daily basis. She uses all of her abilities to provide service and inspiration with a smile. Klydaccino’s is a coffee shop and cart where coffee, hot chocolate, hot cider and tea are sold. The store is run by ACE students and all profits benefit Fort Collins High School. She is a role model to her peers and an inspiration to all of us.
Sherri is always upbeat and positive and is a true professional and takes on responsibilities that test and enhance her skills. I have never seen Sherri without a smile on her face. She is a bright shining light every day. Sherri is an inspiration to us all and to her fellow ACE students. From the Fort Collins High School Website: “The Alternative Cooperative Education program (ACE), a vocational program in Poudre School District, provides work experience, related classroom instruction and vocational transition planning for high school students in non-traditional classes. AT FCHS, these classes include Klyd Shops, the cafeteria, and individualized work experience. ACE Internships are available for students with special needs within the Fort Collins business community.”
About the E+ Awards
E+ was the elusive grade in school. The one many of us felt should exist yet it never did. Think about it, grades are like a chromatic scale except we skip E all together so we can give people F’s for Failure, the modern Scarlet Letter. Not so ironically, we all must learn to better embrace and celebrate failure. The E+ says: You took a risk, challenged the status quo, and had the courage to show up authentically when you could have completely failed. The E+ Award is for people that have done those things and created something uniquely valuable as a result.
The E+ Award recipients were selected by our all Youth E+ Leadership Team, which was created in partnership with the Fort Collins High School class in Advanced Marketing. This is the fourth year of the E+ Awards program and the second year that an all youth Selection Committee chose the recipients.